
S.E.I. is proud to have employees with over 20 years with the company. Utilizing the vast experience of management staff and key employees allows S.E.I. to operate safely and efficiently, and to train and mentor the next generation of pipeliners.

We Specialize in: 

  • Cross-country pipeline construction and maintenance

  • Station and facility work

  • Gas handling

  • Hot-tapping


Management Team

LEIGH SOVDEOwner, General Superintendent
Leigh Sovde has been the owner of Sovde Enterprises, Inc. since its very beginning. He has over 40 years’ experience in the pipeline industry, beginning as a laborer and working his way up. You can still catch Leigh on an excavator when he gets a chance.
DAN RUGAARDSuperintendent - Pipeline Construction
Dan Rugaard has over 20 years of pipeline experience with Sovde Enterprises, Inc. He began as a laborer and moved up quickly through the operation due to his determination, work ethic and ability to understand and resolve complex problems.
BOB FINOCHIAROHot Tapping Superintendent - Pipeline Services
Bob Finochiaro joined Sovde Enterprises, Inc. in 2019. He has performed over 3500 tapping, bypass and stopple projects for Northern Natural Gas, Florida Gas Transmission Pipeline, Transwestern Pipeline and Northern Border Pipeline (1980 – 2018). He supported Field Operation projects such as blow down, hot cuts, air mover’s, tie in’s, purging, loading, and returning the gas line back into service. Bob served as Chief Inspector, overseeing pipeline contractors to ensure all safety, environmental and engineering procedures are followed.

Bob was also Safety Director for over 20 years with Northern Natural gas and Dynegy Corporation.






